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Home Destinations Americas Canada Spring Bears and Whales with Lunch, Campbell River

Spring Bears and Whales with Lunch, Campbell River

Price on request

6 hours | Apr-Jun


Springtime in British Columbia – it’s a time of bustling activity as Black Bears shake off the drowsiness of hibernation and begin preparations for the upcoming summer.  

Step aboard a purpose built wildlife viewing vessel to explore British Columbia during the vibrant season of spring. This adventure offers a unique opportunity to witness the awakening of nature, with a particular focus on the fascinating behaviours of Black Bears. Spot them along the rocky beaches, as they diligently forage for shellfish and sedge grasses. Their mission: to replenish those fat reserves for the winter ahead. And just when you think the stage is set for the Black Bears, a surprise guest might just steal the spotlight – the Grizzly Bear.

But the spectacle doesn’t end there. During Spring, the Salish Sea becomes a bustling thoroughfare as Humpback Whales return from warmer tropical waters to give birth. Your experienced guide will be on the look out for orca, seals, dolphins and porpoises.

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