Home Destinations Americas Costa Rica Arenal and the North Sky Tram and Sky Trek Zip-lining, Arenal

Sky Tram and Sky Trek Zip-lining, Arenal

3.5 hours | Year round

Soar like a bird over the rainforest canopy for unforgettable views of Arenal Volcano and the beautiful Arenal Lake.

Your exhilarating experience at the Arenal Sky Adventures Park begins with a 15-minute aerial tram ride, ascending 800m. Your guide will point out distinctive flora and wildlife as you sail up through the treetops to the mountain top. You’ll then begin a 2-hour navigation of zip-lines, flying from platform to platform between the mountains. In total you’ll ride seven breathtaking zip-lines, up to 200 metres high and 750 metres in length. You’ll reach a top speed of around 43mph as you take in magnificent views from this truly unique perspective.

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